Scorpia is a criminal organization, appearing in the novels Scorpia and Snakehead, in which the main antagonists are leading members, although they have indirectly appeared behind the scenes in other novels. Their name stands for Sabotage, Corruption, Intelligence and Assassination, their main fields of activity. They were formed in Paris in the early 1980s by twelve spies and assassins from several governments, who, fearing they would lose their jobs when the Cold War ended, decided to go into business for themselves. They split profits equally and are assigned tasks alphabetically. They are now responsible for a tenth of the world's terrorism.
Know board members include Zeljan Kurst, Major Winston Yu (deceased), Julia Rothman (deceased), Max Grendel (deceased), Levi Kroll, Dr. Three, Yuri Grand, a Japanese man named Mikato, and an Australian man with no name. Three other board members were mentioned to have died before the current storyline. Two of them were murdered and the third died of cancer, thus leaving the current roster at exactly half of what it was at its creation, with all current board members known by name (with the exception of the Australian man).
Rated: Not suitable for young children
Summary: Alex Rider, Julia Rothman's son, is in a bit of trouble. An assignment that he thought had gone perfectly smoothly ends up bringing his world crashing down around him. Everything he thought he knew is a lie. Sequel to Divergence.
Categories: Action/Adventure, Angst, Friendship, Mission, Mystery
Characters: Alex Rider, Ash (Anthony Sean Howell), Helen Rider, Ian Rider, John Rider, Julia Rothman, Nile, Scorpia, Yassen Gregorovich
Warnings: AU, Violence
Series: Threads
Chapters: 2 [Table of Contents]
Completed: No • Words: 3463 • Views: 398