The Gentleman
The Gentleman is an infamous assassin whom is regarded as being one of the best in the business. Nobody knows his real name, and is nicknamed The Gentleman because he always sends flowers to the family of the person he kills. He is employed by Dr Grief in Point Blanc to kill Michael J. Roscoe. He also kills Sam Green in the process.

Rated: Not suitable for young children
Summary: Final part in the Blood & Fire arc. Having once again escaped Scorpia, Alex finds himself in a different sort of trouble. But if Alex is going down, he's determined on taking everyone with him.
Categories: Action/Adventure, Angst
Characters: Alex Rider, Scorpia, The Gentleman, Yassen Gregorovich, Zeljan Kurst
Warnings: Violence
Series: Blood and Fire
Chapters: 13 [Table of Contents]
Completed: No • Words: 32893 • Views: 2409
[Report This] Published: 28/03/2010 Updated: 03/05/2010